Photo taken by Lizzie Win
Hi there!
Originally from Toledo, Ohio, Em now lives in Los Angeles where she does many odd jobs in addition to writing. When she's not sending 7-minute voice messages to friends and family, she enjoys swimming, yoga, candle-making, and teaching people about the Enneagram.
Over the past few years, she's written on queer relationships, body image, queer spirituality, healthcare, mental health, and wellness for a number of online and print publications including Autostraddle.com and Q26.
Emily earned her Master's in Creative Writing and Critical Life from the University of Leeds where she studied queerness and spiritual ritual. She completed her undergrad at Saint Louis University where she studied the role of women's agency in 1860s and 1960s literature.
You can find my by emailing me at 16ewin@gmail.com or sending me an Instagram DM!
All opinions expressed here and anywhere I write are my own.